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Our History

Stéphane Auder - a journey rich in knowledge, abundant in mastery and completed by a sharing of his savoir-faire (know-how) with the next generation of ornamanists.

These are the cornerstones of L'Atelier Auder D'Ornements' edifice, on which all our creations are based..

The birth of L'Atelier Auder d'Ornements

Passionate about roof ornaments and gathering all his know-how, experience and expertise, Stéphane, who is a Compagnon du Devoir, created in 1996 his own company as an ornamental craftsman or ornemaniste.


There is no formal training school dedicated to learning the roof ornaments trade, however, driven by his passion, supported by his curiosity, know-how and mastery of the most difficult techniques learned over the years, he has learned and mastered this exceptional profession that he practices every day, with pride and passion.


Meilleur Ouvrier de France (Best Craftsman of France)

In 2010, after 30 years of experience including 14 years in the profession of ornamentalist and to obtain the equivalent of a diploma in his profession, Stéphane entered the prestigious competition “Un des Meilleurs Ouvriers de France” ("One of the Best Craftsmen in France").

For this competition of excellence, Stéphane reproduces the Campanile of Villeneuve St Georges (94). After 1,150 hours of work and the reproduction of an imposing ornament, impressive with both size and know-how, he receives the title of “Meilleurs Ouvriers de France (“Best craftsman of France) in the class Metal Ornamentalist.

L’Atelier Auder d'Ornements perpetuates the tradition and art of French ornamentation

There is something magical about seeing a simple sheet of zinc or copper transformed into a beautiful and intricate roof ornament such as a finial or bull's eye.  

Although some of the working methods have changed over the centuries, the old techniques still survive thanks to the craftsmen of the past who have been able to transmit this ancestral savoir-faire (know-how) from generation to generation. L'Atelier Auder d'Ornements has been adapting these techniques to more modern machines, without sacrificing method, rigor, and an ounce of quality.  

The magic of the hands combines passion, know-how and experience to create ornaments as enchanting as they are poetic, reflecting the past centuries while inscribing themselves in the centuries to come.

Atelier Auder d'ornements

Transmission of knowledge to new generations of ornamentalists

Today, Stéphane transmits within the Atelier Auder d'Ornements, the know-how of this exceptional profession. 3 ornamentalists have already been trained under his supervision and teachings, and a 4th is currently in training.

 His commitment to the transmission of knowledge and to preserving the integrity of the know-how techniques, also lead him to write the subjects of the competitions for the Meilleur Ouvrier de France in 2015 and 2018. On these two competitions, three candidates out of four obtained the diploma in the metallic ornamentalist category.

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What our clients are saying

While our mission is to create and reproduce roof ornaments of exceptional quality, we know that working with an ornamentalist is not only about results but also about communication and relationships. 

These clients have trusted us with their projects. Beyond the satisfactory results they have obtained, we have built real and beautiful professional relationships with each of one of them.

The Essence of L’Atelier Auder d’Ornements

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Our Vision

Every day, Stéphane and his team aspire to perpetuate the traditions and techniques of French ornament making. L'Atelier Auder d'Ornements expresses this passion and commitment to the Art of Ornament through the excellence and quality of each ornament made; from the smallest finial to the most imposing campanile, L'Atelier Auder d'Ornements brings to each much attention, meticulousness and precision, for an undeniable quality.  

L'Atelier Auder d'Ornements is proud to be part of the perpetuation of this difficult and rare art through time and generations.

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Our values

Our values are part of our daily life and are expressed through our work. Passionate and committed, our team dedicates itself to roof ornamentation with honesty, loyalty, rigor and integrity. 

Our open-mindedness allows us to create, to see beyond the ordinary and to transform the imaginary into reality. It also allows us to be more open with others, to get to know them, to understand them and thus translate their wishes into the ornaments they have imagi,ned. A very rich relational exchange of which we are proud. Always in search of excellence, our motto is to always do better, to surpass ourselves without ever forgetting the essence of our values

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Our Mission

Our mission is to inspire you and to make the beauty and poetry of high-quality roof ornaments available to you, thus ensuring your complete satisfaction and their longevity through the years. 

The realization of your roof ornament projects is what drives us to surpass ourselves every day. To create the beauty that you have imagined, or to reproduce it identically.

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Our team

Friendliness and respect are the values and principles that carry our talented team every day. In addition to understanding and helping each other, we are proud of the work we do with courage, passion, and commitment. We all agree, mediocrity has no place in our Atelier, so every day we give the best of ourselves to offer you quality ornaments.

Stéphane is supported by Alexandre and Teddy, two talented collaborators, to whom he transmits his know-how, and Florence, who manages all the administrative part as well as the logistics.

Nos Distinctions

The Atelier Auder d'Ornements has also received the most beautiful awards and distinctions guaranteeing the mastery of the most difficult techniques and the certainty of an exceptional work: Maitre Artisan en Métier d'Art and the label Entreprise du Patrimoine Vivant.

Pose épi de faitage atelier Auder ornements

“The most beautiful profession of Man is the profession that unites men”

-Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

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L’émission À Pied d’Oeuvre

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