How to choose the right ornamentalist


épi de toit I oeil de boeuf I faitage en zinc - Atelier Auder d'ornements

The right choice of an ornamentalist allows you to:

Avoid costly pitfalls

Delays on site

Poor quality of work

dissatisfied customers

Are you planning a roof ornament project, or perhaps you want to install a finial, weathervane, bull's eye in zinc or copper or a dormer window as a roof decoration?

The choice of the roofing company is essential to the success of your project. However, the choice is not easy. On paper it might seem simple enough, but making the right choice is more difficult than it seems for several reasons. There are many pitfalls to avoid, pitfalls that could not only cost you a lot of money but could also lead to many problems.

This article explains in 4 points how to choose a good roofing professional so that your project will be successful.

Seniority and experience are essential to master the various techniques necessary to produce quality ornaments according to the rules of art.

The points to check:

  • The number of years of experience

  • Customer testimonials

  • The technical knowledge of the team

Ornement de toit en zinc Oeil de boeuf - Atelier Auder d'ornements

The Atelier Auder d’Ornaments

With more than 40 years of experience in roofing and open since 1996 as a Master Craftsman Ornamentalist, Stéphane and his team make ornaments of an exceptional quality.

All this expertise and experience will be put at your service to deliver exceptional ornaments.

Ornement de toit en zinc Oeil de boeuf - Atelier Auder d'ornements
Oeil de boeuf en zinc Maroc - Atelier Auder d'ornements


The multitude of models in the various roof ornaments, requires a skill of its own. The profession of ornamentalist is not taught. That is why the requests and obtaining of labels or titles are important and necessary to recognize the know-how of the company.

The labels and titles are a guarantee of know-how and quality.

The points to check :

  • The qualifications of the ornamentalist and his professional experience

  • Labels (EPV -Origine France Garantie)

  • Titles (MOF - Master Craftsman in Art trades)


The Atelier Auder d’Ornaments

We are proud to have received the EPV and OFG labels. Stéphane has received the coveted title of Meilleur Ouvrier de France, as well as the title of Maître Artisan en Métier d'Art. He manages a team of 4 people to whom he passes on his knowledge. 3 members of his team have more than 15 years of seniority.

These labels and titles testify to the mastery of techniques, a vast knowledge of know-how and the guarantee of a work carried out in the rules of art.

Meilleur Ouvrier de France- Artisan ornemaniste Atelier Auder d'Ornements
Entreprise du Patrimoine Vivant - Atelier Auder d'Ornements
Label Origine France Garantie - Atelier Auder d'Ornements
Maitre Artisan d'Art - Atelier Auder d'Ornements


To make an ornament in the rules of art, it is important to master the techniques of manufacture and to study the way it will be posed as well as the knowledge of the hazards of time which will have an incidence on its lifespan (behaviour in time).

A roofer, trained ornamentalist and/or manager of a company, would be the most adapted person to listen to your needs and to answer them in an effective and satisfactory way.

In a small structure like a workshop, it is easy to exchange from the beginning to the end of your project with the same person.

Points to check:

  • Importance of the person you are talking to and their availability

  • The ease of exchange

  • The technical knowledge of your interlocutor from the beginning to the end of the project.


The Auder Ornamental Workshop

Stéphane has been a roofer for 16 years. He completed his training in tinsmithing in Switzerland and perfected his mastery of lead in Scotland.

The understanding and advice of a professional who knows roofing is an asset to the success of your project.

Oeil de boeuf I fenêtre en zinc I Atelier Auder d'ornements


In a “bidding war”, the price is important, but it is also important to evaluate what has been quoted, hence the importance of looking at the description of each line item:

The thickness of the metal used -
If there is any creation of impression, molding/stamping, turning of mandrel to create an identical shape
Sometimes the whole of an ornament seems simple, but the details require a more complex work, for example forming the gorges of a dormer or a bull’s eye.
The quality, solidity and durability of the works can only be maintained if a serious study has been made beforehand. This also ensures that the deadlines established at the time of signing are maintained.

Alternatives can always be proposed to re-evaluate an offer and thus allow the best answer to your needs. Once again, a qualified ornamentalist who listens to you will be able to respond without sacrificing the quality of the work.

Points to check:

  • What materials will be used

  • The technical terms of a quote

  • Will the agreed deadlines be maintained

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The Atelier Auder d’Ornament

For more than 20 years, we have always made
 every effort to fulfill our customers' orders on time and within budget.

The promise of L'Atelier Auder d'Ornements is a personalized attention for a quality work at competitive prices.


épi et girouette Atelier Auder d'ornements
Ornement de toiture en zinc Atelier Auder d'Ornements
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We hope that this article has helped you to understand the different factors that come into play in the choice of your ornamentalist as well as the successful and satisfactory outcome of your project.


The roofs of Paris


Vannes - France. The Burton Building returns to its flagship atop the dome