The Label EPV and l’Atelier Auder d’Ornements


It was in October 2007 that L'Atelier Auder d'Ornements obtained for the first time the label EPV "Entreprise du Patrimoine Vivant" awarded for a period of 5 Years. In 2018, the Minister of Economy and Finance, Mr. Le Maire, awarded it to us a third time.

EPV Label - The excellence of French know-how
The "Entreprise du Patrimoine Vivant" or Living Heritage Company” (EPV) label is a recognition mark from the French government set up to distinguish French companies with excellent craft and industrial know-how.

The EPV label - synonymous with French manufacturing excellence
Faced with increasingly tough international competition, the "French product" label is not always enough to attract customers. The "Entreprise du Patrimoine Vivant" (EPV) label highlights the excellence of French manufacturing.

The EPV label - promoting exceptional know-how and innovation associated with France's heritage.
The EPV (Entreprise du Patrimoine Vivant) state label guarantees the recognition of exceptional know-how linked to manufacturing activities emblematic of France's heritage. This demanding certification distinguishes companies of all sizes that have successfully combined high value-added manufacturing, passion and innovation.


A unique recognition of excellence and creativity "à la française
The EPV label is the only distinction awarded by the French government to reward French excellence based on the advanced mastery of rare, renowned and/or ancestral know-how.


As part of a permanent innovation process, it wishes to highlight the very high technicality of certain artisanal or industrial productions as well as their capacity to adapt to the new needs of their clients. Intelligent enrichment of the objects' functionalities, the use of sought-after materials, constant improvement of quality or constantly pushing back technical limits are some of the strategies that happily combine modernity and tradition.

This harmonious development of often ancient trades contributes to the promotion of the quality of French products. It also ensures that high value-added manufacturing processes are maintained in France.

The Atelier Auder d'Ornements respects these strict criteria and is strongly committed to maintaining and transmitting them.


The history of roof ornaments


Ornamentalist, an artistic profession, a rare profession