The Atelier Auder d’Ornements and the art of stamping
Why is this ornamental technique so important?
Stamping is an ancestral technique
It is an integral part of French know-how and heritage. Through a series of 4 zinc finials composed of elaborated, embossed and stamped elements, L'Atelier Auder d'Ornements introduces you to stamping, a technique that is difficult to master and that only many years of experience can provide exceptional quality results.
There are different stamping techniques.
For the manufacture of these ornaments, L'Atelier Auder d'Ornements chooses to preserve the original shape of the elements as best as possible. For this, we take the time to make foundry molds, certainly more expensive than resin, but what a satisfaction to have kept the original design! Indeed, resin does not allow to keep the original print, and consequently through each resin mold used, a part of our ornamental heritage is lost.
Why this choice?
It is important to us to preserve these historical designs and forms created by our ancestors; that they remain the same and can continue to be passed on and reproduced identically by future generations of ornamentalists. The Atelier Auder d'Ornements is proud to preserve this knowledge passed down from generation to generation.Il est important pour nous de conserver ces conceptions et formes historiques créées par nos ancêtres ; qu’elles restent identiques et puissent continuer à être transmises et de nouveau reproduites à l’identique par les générations futures d’ornemanistes. L’Atelier Auder d’Ornements est fier de conserver ce savoir-faire transmis de génération en génération.
Stamping and roof ornaments
Stamped shapes can be present on all roof ornaments.
bull's eye or oeil de boeuf
dormer windows or skylights
other metal ornaments, such as bowls, front of pedestals, etc.
artwork in zinc