Lucarne en zinc hotel peninsula - Atelier Auder Ornements

Dormer window

Dormer windows sometimes called skylights, add character to the exterior and light to the interior of your home, building or castle. To bring light into the attic, you can opt for dormers, which bring an added elegance to the façade of house.

The commitment of L'Atelier Auder d'Ornements

Since its creation, L'Atelier Auder d'Ornements has been at the service of roofing professionals, architects and individuals. Our attentiveness and our commitment to our work and our customers for almost 30 years is our strength – as we are deeply convinced that beyond the creation of beautiful roof ornaments, and the complete satisfaction of our customers, we participate in a human and artistic project that is transmitted from one generation to the next.

Choosing a dormer window

Some dormers have a classic design while others are more elaborated. They offer a vertical view. A minimum roof slope of 30° is required to consider a dormer.

There are various types of dormers: the Jacobean dormer, the triangular fronton dormer, the sloping dormer and the curved dormer.

These various types of dormers can be customized with additional decorative elements such as frontons, moldings, poles, scrolls and flowers.

Whether it’s a creation or a reproduction, roof ornament work requires the competence of a specialized ornamental artisan. L’Atelier Auder d'Ornements is an expert in the realization of high-quality dormers.

Discover our dormer windows


Rectangular opening


Model A16

Zinc or copper dormer window with a triangular pediment highlighted by these different designs, gorges and by its shifting. The opening is finely highlighted by these different shaped lines. Pictured dormer is in zinc quartz.

Réf : Model A16

Opening : 160 x 100 cm
Height : 259 cm
Width : 179 cm


Model A31

Zinc or copper dormer window with triangular molded pediment with a light floral decoration. Its large opening is widened by trunnions developed at the bottom of the poles. Pictured dormer is in zinc quartz.

Réf : Model A31

Opening : 83.5 X 149.5 cm
Height : 212 cm
Width : 139.5 cm

Model A14

Zinc or copper dormer window with a discreet triangular pediment. Rectangular opening slightly highlighted by a small design and a discrete cut-out at the bottom and top of the poles. Pictured dormer is in zinc quartz.

Réf : Model A14

Opening : 55 x 90 cm
Height : 124 cm
Width : 99 cm


Model A12

Zinc or copper dormer window with curved pediment. The rectangular opening is very simple. The curvature is highlighted by different moldings. Small discreet medallion on the façade.

Réf : Model A12

Opening : 93 X 72 cm
Height : 145 cm
Width : 128 cm

Model A30

Dormer window in zinc or copper with a very simple triangular pediment, composed of different designs and gorges. Simple poles with a slight offset at the bottom.
Pictured dormer is in zinc quartz.

Réf : Model A30

Opening : 94.5 x 122 cm
Height : 210 cm
Width : 171 cm


Model A25

Zinc or copper dormer with a very slightly arched pediment. The line of this dormer is “broken” by the trunnions and the median stamped scroll.

Réf : Model A 25

Opening : 78.6 X 144.6 cm
Height : 194 cm
Width : 155 cm


Curved opening


Model A24

Zinc or copper dormer window with pediment and arched opening. Window marked by its small gorge. Its moldings and epaulettes discreetly highlight this dormer window. Sides discreetly carved. Optional scroll in upper part.
Dormer also available in quartz.

Réf : Model A24

Opening : 80 X 129.5 cm
Height : 169 cm
Width : 149 cm

Model A5

Zinc or copper dormer with a slight bend decorated with pretty floral patterns in the upper part. The grooves and trunnions on the sides delicately widen this ornament. Complex, but balanced! Dormer also available in quartz.

Réf : Model A5

Opening : 85 X 141 cm
Height : 204 cm
Width : 149 cm

Model A13

Dormer in zinc or copper. The succession of gorges and moldings enrich its curvature, "interrupted" by a median scroll. The sides are decorated with small trunnions at the top and floral designs at the bottom, framing the opening.
Pictured dormer is in zinc.

Réf : Model A13

Opening : 137 X 75.5 cm
Height : 174 cm
Width : 144 cm

Model A2

Zinc or copper dormer window with an opening highlighted by a small gorge. The line of narrow poles ends in the two trunnions. The curved pediment is composed of two small trunnions, topped by the gorges, epaulettes and scroll.

Réf : Model A2

Opening :
Height :
Width :

Model A22

Zinc or copper dormer window with curved pediment. Its opening is well marked by a developed frame. Its simplicity, while being composed of various gorges and epaulettes, gives it a contemporary look.

Réf : Model A22

Opening : 64.5 X 100 cm
Height : 143 cm
Width : 129 cm

Model A15

Zinc or copper dormer window with curved pediment, original with its simple poles and its pediment composed of a succession of small gorges separated by two trunnions surrounding the stamped scroll.

Réf : Model A15

Opening :
Height :
Width :


Jacobean dormer window


Model A19

Jacobean dormer in zinc or copper with an accentuated triangular pediment highlighted by a gothic shape. The poles are finely flared at the bottom and trimmed by a small shape at the top.

Réf : Model A19

Opening : 78 X 30 cm
Height : 128 cm
Width : 58 cm

Model A34

Jacobean dormer in zinc or copper with its opening in the shape of an ogive. The triangular top is well highlighted by these two parallel lines. A pinnacle could be added as an option.

Réf : Model A34

Opening : 40 X 25 cm
Height : 72 cm
Width : 46 cm

Model A11

Jacobean dormer in zinc or copper with a pediment marked by its epaulettes and triangular moldings. The cloverleaf finely decorates this façade topped by an ogive-shaped pinnacle and its leaves.

Réf : Model A11

Opening : 100 X 50 cm
Height : 186 cm
Width : 86 cm


Dormer windows Options

Have you noticed a particular model but you would prefer it with another decoration or the addition of a stamped element? Choose among these options and we will be happy to assist you with the feasibility.


Stamped Scrolls


Clef 1

Height 40cm | Width 31 cm


Clef 5

Height 40cm | Width 25 cm

Clef 2

Height 27.5cm | Width 27cm


Clef 6

Height 41 cm | Width 38 cm

Clef 3

Height 31 cm | Width 26.5 cm


Clef 7-1

Height 39 cm | Width 61.5 cm

Clef 4

Height 32 cm | Width 23.5cm


Clef 7-2

Height 39 cm | Width 45 cm

Contact L’Atelier Auder d’Ornements


Contact us with your choice of dormer window and personalized options and we will be happy to accompany you in your roof ornamentation project. The entire team of L'Atelier Auder d'Ornements remains at your disposal for any request and/or question.

From dream to reality

We are here to listen to you. We are here to accompany you in your roof ornament project. You have imagined it? We will create it for you. L'Atelier Auder d'Ornements is able to create and reproduce everything from the very small to the very large. So let your imagination run wild !

Fabricant d'ornement en zinc - Atelier Auder d'Ornements

« The value of man does not wait for age but passes through the transmission of the elders. »

— Stéphane Auder