Campanile en zinc - Atelier Auder d'Ornements

Campanile in Zinc

Villeneuve St-George (94) - France


Particularity of this reference for the Atelier Auder

In 2010, after 30 years of experience including 14 years as a professional ornamentalist and in order to obtain the equivalent of a diploma in this profession, Stéphane entered the prestigious competition "Un des Meilleurs Ouvriers de France" ("One of the Best Craftsmen of France"). For this competition of excellence, Stéphane reproduced the Campanile of Villeneuve St Georges (94) After 1,150 hours of work and the reproduction of an imposing piece and impressive with know-how, he received the coveted award of "Meilleurs Ouvrier de France" ("Best Craftsman of France") in the class of metal ornamentalist.

Discover this realization in image

Campanile zinc | cuivre  - Atelier Auder d'Ornements

Campanile Reproduction

The campanile has been identically reproduced to the model received in the Atelier.

Enjoy some pictures of:

  • Before and After

  • The lower part of the Campanile

  • Its shaft

  • From its high part

  • The finial and pinecone

  • And its installation


The campanile’s before and after

Ornementation Campanile - Atelier Auder d'Ornements

The various stages of manufacturing

All the ornamentalist's techniques and skills were necessary to reproduce this zinc campanile..

  • Planning

  • Drawing

  • Development

  • Shaping

  • Turning of the mandrel

  • Pushing

  • Moulding in shape

  • Stamping

  • Assembly according to the rules of art



The lower part of the Campanile

Ornementation zinc - Atelier Auder d'Ornements
Bas campanile zinc -  Atelier Auder d'Ornements
artie basse du campanile zinc - Atelier Auder d'Ornements

The shaft of the campanile

Fut du campanile en zinc  - Atelier Auder d'Ornements
Fut du campanile en zinc  - Atelier Auder d'Ornements
Fut du campanile en zinc  - Atelier Auder d'Ornements

Upper part

Haut de campanile Zinc - Atelier Auder d'Ornements
Haut campanile 2 .JPGpartie Haute
partie Haute campanile - Atelier Auder d'Ornements
partie Haute campanile - Atelier Auder d'Ornements

Finial and pinecone in zinc

Repoussage pour épi en zinc - Atelier Auder d'Ornements
épi sommital en zinc  - Atelier Auder d'Ornements
Décoration pomme de pin en zinc - Atelier Auder d'ornements

The delicate installation of the campanile

Montage campanile en zinc - Atelier Auder d'Ornements
Montage campanile en zinc - Atelier Auder d'Ornements
Montage campanile en zinc - Atelier Auder d'Ornements
Montage campanile en zinc - Atelier Auder d'Ornements
Campanile en zinc - Atelier Auder d'Ornements

Thank you

To the local roofing company for accepting this partnership

Thank you to their team for making the frame and the installation on site.