Beffroi de l’Hôtel de Ville. Calais - France
Beffroi Finials
Particularity of this reference for the Atelier Auder
We are very proud to have realized these roof ornaments for Beffroi which is charged with history.
The finials in the upper part are made of zinc, and the larger finials in the lower part are made of copper. Some parts of these copper finials have been gilded with gold leaves.
Finials in zinc
Identical reproduction of the model, in two sizes.
The basic finial is developed and decorated with leaves and a stamped floral composition.
Finials in copper
Reproduction à l’identique au modèle
Identical model reproduction
The basic finial is also developed and decorated with a crown with its various motifs
The different finials in zinc and copper installed on the Beffroi de Calais
The copper finials, between leaving our Atelier and their installation, were entrusted to an artisan gilder.
Thanks to the roofing company for their trust.